Friday, August 31, 2012

Post # 1

Well its been awhile since i blogged here i just thought i start off by deleting all the old posts and begin with new ones since i feel i need to start off everything fresh since a few things has changed during my hiatus. I lost some people that was in my life that i thought was important in the end its pretty much all just one of those phases you go through during life. Forever just seems to soon if i believed in it now and i know its going to be a long journey till i reach it. I am very thankful for my family and friends who supported me and stuck by my side ever since much love to them for showing me that, been having so much time to myself and a lot of free time but Ive been keeping myself busy by writing a lot and doing some designs for music which is keeping me pretty happy but ill be satisfied when everything is put together and finalized. There are times i feel lonely but i know in the end all of that drama and stuff i went through isn't worth my time and its just pulling me back from doing the things i want to achieve. All i can say is i am happy where i am at now and ill be moving forward and not linger on the useless things in the past. I will update more often sorry for my bad writing though see you later.